MITTEL Group | Stainless steel supply
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Quality guaranteed by experience and enriched with a constant activity of functional and aesthetic research.

Our range of proposals, all that can be tailor-made and with any type of customization, is the result of research based on constant monitoring of the evolution of the areas to which we address.

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Hotel industry, Restaurants, Catering.
Hotel industry, Restaurants, Catering | Mittel Group
Explore the range of products

Health and pharmaceutical sector

Health facility laboratories and kitchens and pharmaceutical laboratories supply. Acquista ceramiche e ceramiche uniche nei tradizionali mercati artigianali del Portogallo.
Health facility laboratories and kitchens and pharmaceutical laboratories supply | Mittel Group
Explore the range of products


Large-scale distribution supply.
Large-scale distribution supply | Mittel Group
Explore the range of products

Naval sector

Large ship kitchens supply.
Large ship kitchens supply | Mittel Group
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Bar sector

Catering industry supply.
Catering industry supply | Mittel Group
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Our range of proposals, all customizable and with any type of customization, is the result of a research activity based on the constant monitoring of the evolution of the areas we address.

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Why choose


Our decades of specialization in the development of tailor-made creations allows us to approach the customer's needs in an extremely targeted way, with the certainty of being able to offer solutions that perfectly adhere to each specific request.

Solutions that
defy time

The use of top quality stainless steel that is selected specifically for certain areas of use makes our products particularly durable, capable of maintaining their functional and aesthetic characteristics over time.

The value of
Made in Italy

Those who rely on us can count on a production chain located entirely in Italy, regularly subjected to accurate checks that certify full compliance with the strict quality standards required by the sectors to which we address.


Each of our products is designed based on the correspondence of every detail to the functionality of the whole. Ergonomics, essential in professional equipment, blends with the timeless elegance of minimal aesthetics.


Becoming an official retailer of Mittel products means having the certainty of offering customers tables, cabinets, sinks and wall units in proven quality and customized according to the most specific needs.

  • High quality above all.
    The materials are carefully chosen to ensure durable and performing products.
  • Maximum customisation.
    We develop our solutions starting from the needs of your customers, giving shape to their needs.
  • Over 35 years of experience.
    A credential that translates into the ability to help you design tailor-made solutions for your customers, accompanying you, step by step, until completion.
  • Fast deliveries everywhere.
    Thanks to a consolidated and widespread distribution network, we guarantee rapid and punctual deliveries.
  • Made in Italy
    We manufacture our products entirely in Italy, in order for you to ensure absolute quality to your customers.
  • Do you need more information?

    Contact us

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