Pastry and bakery | MITTEL Group
Mittel - Pastry and bakery

Pastry and bakery

Pastry and bakery

Construction entirely made in stainless steel AISI 304 with perfectly welded corners, edges made with processing for anti-cutting. Supporting structure with single frame base obtained from sheets folds to ensure greater strength to stress. Rounded Feet in Stainless steel Aisi 304.
Construction entirely made in stainless steel AISI 304 with perfectly welded corners, edges made with processing for anti-cutting. Supporting structure with single frame base obtained from sheets folds to ensure greater strength to stress. Rounded Feet in Stainless steel Aisi 304.
Pastry and bakery - Construction entirely made in stainless steel AISI 304 with perfectly welded corners | Mittel Group
Wall unit with tilting door
for a total view of the shelves
Wide range of compositions
for basins, liquid containers, supports
Welded top 50 mm depth with
backsplash obtained from the fold
Guides for undercounter
hoppers in 304 steel
Welded drawers

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